first friday lesson
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griffin:"oh, i see you're doing better."

fen:"well, i never back out on a promise. now are we ready, griffin?"

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fen:"first, we need to clear our minds with a bit of breathing exercises. you should feel your diaphram moving as you breath in and out."

griffin thinking: what the effing eff?

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griffin:"fen? what is the point of this... breathing? i'm pretty sure i know how to breathe."

fen:"griffin, the point of this exercise is to clear your mind. if your mind is cluttered with many thing when you start learning to control your powers you'll fall into habit with depending on thinking of things when summoning your powers only at certain times. now, any more questions?"


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griffin, thinking: puh, don't let things clutter your mind. well you're the one who's doing the nasty thing with my brother. humph.

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fen:"now, i need you to make that CD hover for a few seconds."

griffin:"erm... isn't that a little easy?"

fen:"i just need to see where your ability to control your powers are."

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griffin was straining to move it. the cd was stubborn. very stubborn.
