fen:"mmmmmm, i love these things things you call movies."
leo:"heh, you didn't even watch half of it dimbulb..."
because i wasn't watching it doesn't mean i didn't enjoy it. and you enjoyed it too even though you weren't paying attention...
the look that old lady gave when she saw us was priceless..."
fen, laughing:" i couldn't see, i was a little busy..."

leo:"hey, that reminds me, we need to go shopping for a double bed soon..."
fen:"ooh, i can't wait..."

fen:"uh-oh, here comes trouble..."

freya:"oh hello... leo... and leo's boyfriend. this is my new boyfriend in which i am truly and deeply in love with....

bill:"look, freya, you're my cousin and stuff and this is getting weird. i'm outta here."
freya:"wait! i gave
you $20 you asshole!