chelsea:"anyways, what if i look under the bed hmmmm? will i find a butt plug, fuzzy hand cuffs or anything equally
as kinky?"
leo:"no!!!! stop!!!!"

chelsea:"oh, so leo does have naughty toys."
leo:"if i did, then i wouldn't show you anyway."
i won't look... for now..."

chelsea:"you do know you're such a party pooper."
leo:"i know it and love it."
chelsea:"sometimes i
wonder why i'm even friends with you."
leo:"it's because you wanted to know a hot elven guy and ended up with me."
not-- okay, you're right."

chelsea:"anyways, i better get home. my dad's gonna blow a fuse when he hears i've been in a teenaged boy's bed."
don't phase it like that and you'll be okay."

fen, rushing in:"look leo, i know you're busy and everything, but have you seen my boxers? i can't find any clean
ones and wearing yours would be plain-- oh."
chelsea:"um... hi?"