leo:"something else is on your mind, isn't there?"
fen:"kinda... i keep getting this feeling that something
mjor's gonna happen and it's bugging me that i don't know..."

leo:"ah, whatever it is, i'm here..."
fen:"..and i'm glad..."
meanwhile in syroan, modeerf...

man:"m'am, a personal meesage for your husband."
woman:"yes, i know fool! hand it over!"
that no one but your husband must read it. it's private."
woman:"do you take me for a fool, idiot? give it to me and
be gone!"

"those damn messenger boys, thinking they're high and mighty for getting new uniforms... tell me what to do..."

woman, reading:
to sir dylus crokin gardener,
the formula you had asked for has finally have a prototype
safe for consumtion. please come ASAP to pick it up.
~sir olaf geirstad~"