lance:"there, i do hope you're warm enough."
boy:"thank you sir..."

dylus:"well, remember only me, you and lance even know that you exist, you hear? no one has ever used this storeroom,
so keep quiet and try not to attract attention."
boy:"yes sir..."

dylus:"good. i gotta run 'cause atheldene needs me there for some crap about a party or such."
please remember not to maim any of the servants until after the party..."
dylus:"yes mother..."

lance:"so, since you are staying here, can you please tell me your name?"
boy:"it's sebastian... after sebastian,
the patron saint of travel..."
lance:"oh, i see you know a bit of modeerfan history...."

sebastian burst into tears.
lance:"what's wrong?"
sebastian, struggling through tears:"i'm not...ungrateful...honest...it's
just...i haven't...been talked to.... like an equal..."
lance:"what do you mean?"
sebastic:"i'm a magic adept!"