dylus:"ten minutes?! then why are we standing here? let's move it..."
lance quickly followed...

lance:"so did you find him?"
dylus:"yes, but i don't want to talk about it."
lance:"oh, it can't be
that bad, sir. after all, he's your brother."

dylus:"fine, we argued, i met his boyfriend and i punched him in the face. happy?"
lance:"ay sir, you know
you can't solve every conflict with brawn..."

dylus:"i already feel stupid enough, okay lance?! i know what an ass i've to fen all these years and i am trying to
bridge the chasm i made between us so back off alright?!"
lance:"sir, something else is bothering you, isn't it?"

dylus:"...i'm jealous of fen and his...happiness..."
lance:"he's only following his heart...."