sebastian:"lance, are you sure mr.gardener is okay with me moving into your house? i really don't want to be a bother."
sure. by the way, the clothes in this trunk should be able to fit you..."
sebastian:"you... um... still have that formula,
don't you?"
lance sighed...

lance:"how'd you know about that?"
sebastian:"i could sense it near i guess... so will you use it? because
alotta ofmy blood was used and..."

lance:"i know, but i feel so conflicted. i know of the origins of it and everything, but i need to know if one of
my friends is really dead or not..."
sebastian:"please use it... i really don't want something like that to go to waste..."
*puppy dog eyes*

lance:"why does that look always get to me!"
sebastian smiled...

sebastian:"maybe i could get used to this..."