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fen:"... and dylus said my gold fish ran away from home when he decided to feed them some hot sauce..."

dylus:"you were only 6 when that happened... and anyways, it was coffee, not hot sauce..."

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fen:"why do you always make everything not your fault?"

dylus:" I do not!"

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fen:"oh sure~! like the time you decided to put peanut butter on my chair and i walked around with a big brown stain on my butt all day... or decided gluing the pages of my book together so i couldn't read it and i got in trouble for being angry! you think whatever you do is justifiable and i'm sick of it!"

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fen:"see! you're avoiding the subject cause you know it's true..."

dylus:"shut up..."

fen:"why should i? you need to hear this!"

dylus:"shut up!"

fen:"you are a coward!"

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