brothers and friends pg 3
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bastian: gosh...

atheldene: that's why i need him home immediately...

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sophia: what is she talking about?

bastian: it's too private...

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bastian: sorry, but i have to go...

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sophia: oh!

ben: that's freaky!

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sophia: does he do that all the time?

ben: beats me, i just got here yesterday...

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ben: you know, we could get to---

sophia: remove your arm before i snap it off at the shoulder...


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fen: well i'm so damn sorry if i never told you i'm gay dylus!

dylus: your sarcasm is making a mess on the floor you know. i'm just freaking wondering why you couldn't come to me...

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fen: you're just like father, that's why! the rejection and hurt was too much to re-live again...

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lance: guys! you are brothers! don't you have at least one happy memory?

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fen: er, hello! he's 9 years older than me! we barely even grew up together, let alone have a happy memory...
