dylus: outta my way! lance: er...bye sir?  lance: what was the fuss about? bastian: he should tell you... i was just out here with ben--  lance: ben? did he tell you why he was here? bastian: i left them two...together... lance: bastian,
esier question then. how do you find him?  bastian: ah, a bit, forceful but but nice... sorta... lance: eh, nice? that's one way of looking at it... atheldene forced herself not to break down... she couldn't handle it anymore... the long, cold nights, the lonely,
boring days, the absense of him not being there. she was never meant for this sorta life, of riches and gold and--

losing love... he was not the man she married, the man she married never would kept her in the dark, parading her
infront of politicans and media, the man leaving her wondering whatsort of life this is, she longed for the flame but but
it only one sided, his gone, with the indifferent of a boar...