fen sat there, watching his lioncub sleep. his heart felt heavy with sadness and regret, remembering last night's
fight. fen never felt so alone sitting this close near leo... leo looked so peaceful thought fen...

leo: urgh...what time is it?
fen: 12 something...you have a day off, remember?
leo: yeah...

looking at fen was painful. leo looked into those beautiful emerald eyes and fell in love all over again. so he avoided
fen: the bed...felt empty...last night... you came home late...
leo: i...just needed to clear my head...

fen: i'm...i'm sorry...that i never...told you...
leo felt confusion and anger bubble over...
leo: what?
don't...you...don't need to say sorry...

fen: what?
leo: i should...i was such a dick...

leo: last night...i remembered freya...i remembered she asked of me of what i had asked of you...it was unfair...i
know the feeling of hurt...memories can bring...it was unfair of me...

fen: but i should...i know that this relationship goes both ways...and that you can support me as much as i do for

fen: i don't like it when we're mad at each other...
leo:...or think the other is mad at us *laugh*
yes...cuz i need you to know i love you and need to know you do too...

leo: wait! what if--
fen: everyone else is at school... we have the place to ourselves...
leo: good...