ben was still in a foul mood thinking about his unrequited love. he wanted to tell them, he hoped if he did, they
become single and be with him...he hoped they would throw their arms around him and hear those three words...

bastian: ben?

ben looked around and felt his heart fall outta his butt. not bastian. anyone but him...

bastian: i've been looking for you!
ben: yeah...whatever...
bastian: you disappeared last night. i was
so worried~!

bastian: you're acting...kinda strange...
ben: MARVELOUS observation there...

bastian: did i...did i do something wrong?
yes! you and sophia ripped my heart from my ass and don't even
seem to know it! that what you did! thought ben bitterly...

bastian: come on...i thought we were friends...good friends..even...best friends...

ben looked at bastian for a long moment. so much he wanted to tell. so much he wanted to let loose... but he couldn't.
not to bastian...

bastian: you wouldn't understand! leave me alone...

the word coward hammered inside his head as he walked away. coward, coward, coward.