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flick: leena! you look different!

leena: alot happens in three years...

flick: so you're...?

leena: 16 going on 17...

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flick: well about that...

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flick: i find the idea you can travel through time ridiculous! time is not fixed! the present has a number of futures and when a decision or act is done, you are one step closer to one of the futures! if you travel to the past, your very presence has altered the timeline making it impossible to go back to your own time hence the very idea of time travel is impossible.

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leena: i see you've done your research. but flick, you see, i'm the exception. i'm allowed to go different timelines because i was allowed this power. if anyone else time traveled, those rules would apply.

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flick: how do you get these powers...?

leena: well, every magic adept has a power unique to each of them. similarities do happen but never the same. a power has much to do with the personality of the magic adept in question...

like uncle griffin...he used to be so powerless and was never able to do much on his own. he longed for independance...i believe his powers helped establish that very well...

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leena: and moi... i'm so scatterbrained i'm always, as they say, a day late and a dollar short. i seriously need more hours in the day for me...

flick: what about fen...?

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leena: he.. knows what pain truly is...and he doesn't ever want anyone else to...feel it...

silence ensured...

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leena:'s yer love life lily?

lily: you should know! but you won't tell me!

leena smirked evilly...