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Lance wrung his hands nervously. What the hell was he doing? He began to regret even contemplating telling Dylus.

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Fen told him to go for it, but now Lance began to feel a little light headed and a bit sick. He hated worrying; it always took so much of his energy and confidence. He debated leaving and avoiding this entire mess.

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He was about to get up when he heard a familiar voice.

"Lance? What in the world is so important?" asked a gruff, deep voice. Lance's heart began to hammer fast and faster. He turned around and saw him.

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"Dylus... I really need to tell you something important..." Lance's voice broke. Damnit, not right now, thought Lance!

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Dylus folded his arms and sighed

Dylus: Couldn't this wait?

Though that tone
, thought Dylus, it must be something really dire if he needs to tell me now.

Dylus hating confrontations like this.

Lance: Sir... I... um... you see...

Lance stammered. Out of all the times to lose your head, you pick now, thought Lance bitterly. His heart was beating rapidly and he felt as if he was going to faint.

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Dylus: Spit it out Lance!

His patience grew thin and he never liked it when Lance kept something from him.

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"I'm... in love with you!" said Lance finally. Dylus was speechless. Lance became incredibly embarrassed and he felt blood rush up to his face.

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He turned away from Dylus and said quietly, "I'll hand in my resignation tomorrow." He walked away, tears welling up in his eyes. He felt so humiliated: he instantly regretted letting those words slip past his mouth. His heart ached so horribly, he knew he had to get out of that courtyard fast.

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Dylus stood there, shocked. There was so much to comprehend.
