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Bastian lazed around. he felt so content with everything. But he felt a certain sadness. Why did Ben hate him so much all of a sudden? Why did ben just ignore Bastian as if he didn't exist? He sighed, maybe he'll talk to sophia about it.

His train of thoughts was interrupted when he heard a knock on the door.

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Ben: Bastian? Can i come in?

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Bastian sat right up. he was willing to save any part of this friendship so he said the only thing that he could.

Bastian: Sure, come right in.

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Ben: so...Um, sorry if i acted like a total dumbass to you lately... it'

He stopped... talking was something he didn't enjoy but he got this far...
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Ben: Look, what i mean was...

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Ben: i, I really

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Ben, sobbing: I can't take it anymore...*sob* everything's too confusing...*sob*

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Bastian: Don't...don't worry... It'll be better...

he wondered if he believed his own words...
