New Beginings pg 5
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Kiryna: Dylus... You seem to have grown well...

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Dylus felt taken aback. Her voice seemed so soft and yet so strong... She was soo familiar...

Dylus: Ummm... thanks...

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Dylus: Father? Who were those people?

Cadel: They were... aquaintances...

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Cadel: But, you're here! C'mon, i have someone to introduce you to~! Come in Trauna~!

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Cadel: Son, this is Trauna Ties...

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Trauna: Why hello there handsome... Can i call you Dyllie?

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Dylus: Erm...

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Trauna: Wonderful Dyllie! Wow! You got big muscles!

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Dylus groaned. This is not what he needed...


Authour's Notes:

Well, when i took pics of Lance and dylus, they look so sweet. must be the crazy in my brain.

Ben, Ben, Ben. i weep for him. If you can't figure what is up with him, you're more clueless than Bastian. Writing his thoughts down made me feel really sad but i hope you can feel the emotion.

Oh, you would've met Drake in the chapter "The Celebration ball" in a brief cameo. Be sure to keep your eye on him...
Ooh, Trauna Ties has a important impact on Dylus. Don't dismiss her as stupid just yet.
And as a side note, teh momokos are tiny but they're supposed to be old. Like in their mid thirties in this scene. lol.
This one foreshadows alot of future stuffs so don't forget it ;D