Nami: Why hello Sophia... I see you've sunken your claws into some poor sap...

Sophia: Same can be said to you, Miss Scum Sucking Road Ho...

Nami: Oh ho, how mature Sophia...
Sophia: Don't talk about maturity Nami. I saw some of the drivel your poor
little prejudiced mind has produced...
Nami: It's only the truth...
Sophia: My family may let you broadcast
whatever you want, but it certainly ain't truthful. You definitely gotta get over your silly little crush, cuz whatever you
do, he ain't gonna want you.
Nami: Oh, so the 14 year old has the perfect ideals on love, has she?

Sophia: Get over yourself. Intelligence has nothing to do with age, you stupid cow.
Nami: My... You're SOOOO
Sophia: At least i'm not some faghag.

Nami: At least I don't have some effed up fringe.

Sophia: How dare you make fun of my fringe.

Sophia: No one makes fun of my fringe...

Sophia: Bitch.