Woes and Catfights pg 6
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Bastian: Psst, that's your mum?

Adam: yeah. She had me when she was twenty or something. She says she has good genes but I know she uses alot of beauty products...

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Kiryna: I heard that young man! Now come!

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Adam: Parents, can't live with them, can't live without them, eh?

Bastian: um... yeah.

Parents... The very word made a lurch in Bastian's stomach.

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Adam: See ya around Bastian!

Bastian: You too!

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Lance: Let's go home, okay?

Bastian: okay..

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Plus, he hoped, he could talk to Ben again. He really wanted to talk to him again...


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Ah... home. His very bones ached and just couldn't wait to slump in his bed and read a good book. He had a lot to think about too...

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Bastian's heart shifted. Ben? Why was he in his room? Was he here to work things out? Maybe even tell Bastian what was going on...

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Bastian: um... hey Ben...

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Ben: I'm leaving.

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Bastian: WHAT?!


Author's notes:

Okay, this is why i love obitsu, so great to pose and fight, hehehe.

Sophia and Nami do know each other because Nami once said she worked for the Faeren Media while Sophia is a royal family member.

This lil catfight goes out to my non doll friends for being insane, crazy but good friends...(and entertainment)...

Holy crap, ANOTHER character. Adam is indeed an articulated jenny boyfriend doll but he's so cute. He even dresses like me xD Keep an eye on him and take note of his words.

And poor Bastian. So confuzzled over everything, you gotta feel for him. hehehe..