"What?!" asked Bastian, somewhat puzzled. Ben had always seemed so confident and easy to talk to. He was even able
to make Bastian feel so... feel so...Bastian couldn't describe it.

Ben fell to the ground, defeated. Why? Why did he fall for Bastian? He dreamt of wanting to love him so much but he
couldn't. He wasn't able to... Because he was alone. Alone, alone, alone.
"Bastian... You get... you get half the population
to choose from while I... while I... not even ten percent of that. You are able to hold someone, kiss them, love them. I want
so much to do that with someone but I'll never meet someone so awesome... God...I haven't even been kissed yet..."

Bastian sat down next to Ben and wrapped his arm around Ben's shaking shoulders... He shouldn't cry... Not someone
like him...

Bastian said quietly, "You know... you won't have much trouble..." He smiled at the thought.. Wait. Was he smiling
because he wanted to... No, he couldn't.... could he?

Ben scoffed. "You're just say that because you feel sor--"

His supply of air was cut off when Bastian pushed his lips against Ben's.

Ben tried to push away, but those lips; They intoxicated him. He pulled Bastian closer. He felt so inexperienced,
not knowing what to put where, but Bastian seemed to know and that made Ben feel safe. So close and so protected. It was...
it was like the world could no longer hurt him... He was no longer... no longer alone... Ben wanted this kiss to last forever...

Wow, just... wow. This was nothing at all like kissing Sophia. With her, it was so soft... so tender... she almost
melted into him. But Ben, he was much harder where Sophia was soft. Even his lips felt firmer. Bastian pushed against Ben
but pulled him much closer. Ben was doing the same... Sharing... Exchanging... Loving...

Bastian softly broke the kiss, slightly lingering for more. It was nothing like kissing Sophia. With her, it felt
nice, comforting.
But with Ben, it felt more intimate. Closer. Like a bond was being woven swiftly between them. It
was like the world was moving and stopping at once. Their problems just seemed like nothing when their lips met. It was just...
just amazing.
"There." smiled Bastian, "Now you can't say you've never been kissed."

Ben's lips quivered and looked away from Bastian's gaze. His heart ached longingly to be near Bastian's once more.
No... It was too good to be true. "You feel sorry for me... That's all..."
Ben refused to believe it. No, he won't
get hurt. Not after what happened. So many tears, so much hurt, no... He can't have Bastian... He just couldn't... Bastian
was perfect, too beautiful... too breathtaking... He didn't deserve Bastian...
If someone starts a conversation with you... It means that person wants to be close to you...
Ben and Bastian's eyes locked together... No...he couldn't...
If someone becomes flustered with you... It means that person wants to impress you...
Bastian's mouth curled upwards... No... he must've...
If someone looks at your profile at a distance with a steady gaze... He resents the reality that he can't be with
"I... like you... a lot..." said Bastian softly. His hand wrapped Ben's and he smiled.

"I...I really like you too..." Ben felt a tear run down his cheek as he felt his heart overflow with so much happiness,
so much relief... Just because... because... everything... everything wasn't so... so hard anymore...