lance: Bastian! you've only been waiting three minutes for your drink!

Bastian: Gah, sorry Lance...
Lance: Guys, we brought you here so we could discuss something important...
... no! it's not about my face so stop staring!
Ben: Um... It's just you look different...

Dylus: I knew i should've stayed in for the stubble to grow out...
Lance: Guys! What I'm about to say is really
hard because... I haven't been around much...

...and I think I haven't been there much for you two...

Lance: So... I sincerely hope you accept what I'm gonna tell you...

Lance: Dylus... Dylus and I are... 'together'...
Ben: Oh... Well... so you're gay?
Lance: Pretty much...
Well I don't care if you're gay, staight or a moose!
Lance: ... Bastian?

Bastian: Well... erm...

Dylus: Oh fuck... we officially mentally destroyed a child's mind...

Bastian: Can I tell them? I won't say anything if you don't want me to...
Ben: Um...okay...

Bastian: Lance... Me and Ben have been so worried about what... what you'd think about me... me and.... Ben... together...
It's such a relief...
Lance: What about... Sophia?
Bastian: She broke up with me... It was mutrual though...
So... I guess all this worrying was for nothing?
Bastian: Guess that's what happens when we're in our own little worlds...
We should really get together more often...

Dylus: I need a drink. OY! WAITER! GET YOUR ASS HERE!

Talkshow host: Since you were brought here to be butchered verbally, how come you can barely stand to look at yourself
being terrorised by your classmates, hmmm?

Talkshow host: MAYBE you brought it on yourself! Maybe bullying isn't so wrong? Whachu say about that?


Fabian: So this is when people HELP each other?
Fen: No, mostly it's for ratings and such. Reality TV sure
has waned...

Fabian: So... It's exactly like Modeerf?
Fen: Society all seems the same without the flashy stuff..
I see...

Griffin: come ON Leo! Lemme use your laptop. Your other comp's keyboard is sticky and I'm afraid what you keep in
your room.
Leo: No! I need to read this--
Griffin: You and your smut...

Leo: It is not smut! It's well made--
Griffin: Butt porn. I really need to talk to Flick! She's been in sydney
for awhile and I wanna chat...
Leo: But this laptop is just so... sexy...

Griffin: *groan* I'm surrounded by crazy sex fiends...

Lily: Look at him there. Why isn't Leo doing anything about Fabian. Sitting there... MENACINGLY!

Griffin: You got too much time on your hands...