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Griffin: 'sup Faah?

Fabian: Oh... hello Griffin... Why are you here?

Griffin: Because apparent "OMGKAWAII" bishi guys came around and Lily kicked me out...

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Griffin: I feel like I'm some secondary character in a poorly written online story sometimes...

Fabian: I am not skillful with grand words of comfort for dejected souls...

Griffin: It's okay... I'm used to it...

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Griffin: Anyway, why do you look so emo?

Fabian: I just have many conflicting feelings living in this household...

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Fabian: It's not I'm not grateful but...

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Griffin: You fallen for an earth bound creature and totally regret it?

Fabian: Perhaps...

Griffin: You're not with an Avariel tribe so relax...

Fabian: ... thanks? Also...

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Griffin: yeah?

Fabian: How do you deal with your own brother being with Fienix Gardener?

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Griffin: Oh boy...

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Griffin: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, I wasn't too... warm on the idea that Leo was with... Fen... but I kinda... DEALT with it, because Leo IS my brother and he was really, really happy being with Fen annd I guess I should be happy that he's happy, you know?

Fabian: I do...

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Griffin: Plus... Leo can't change who he likes, can he? But I guess I could change how I think of it...

And Fen really is a nice guy... He helped me control my powers and he's really nice and I guess I kinda see him as a brother too..

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Griffin: EEEEEEEEEH, I sound too sappy... I'm gonna see if Lily can reliquish that laptop of hers... Sorry I couldn't be more helpful...

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Leo: See? If you get the concept Harry is a wizard and such, it's a really fun story to read...

Dylus: Could I borrow one of your books then Red?

Leo: Sure! I got the entire series in hardcover!

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Leo: I wonder why noone else in this house likes it as much as I do...

Dylus: Beats me Red...

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Leo: What's that over there?

Dylus: Oh.. It's something lance brought for Fen...

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Leo: What could it be...

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Leo: Why would a bear be in there?

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Leo: AAAH!

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Dylus: RED! are you okay?

Leo: Y-yeah... Just a headache...

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Dylus: That bear gives me the creeps...

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Author's Notes:

Yesh, this is my crappy attempt to stick in the detail of Fen and Nami Sue being best friends. But alas, story and stuff... oy...

And Fen getting that diary is definitely IMPORTANT! very, very, very important... Woot, like Fen, you will venture into the brain of Fen's mum...

Lily, Bastianand Ben were watching The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya were the main girl basically gets a guy to accidently look like he's attacking a girl so Haruhi can get a free computer. 'Tis an awesome show.

And Lily is now being based on a friend of mine who basically talks about another friend like Lily did aboot Fabian... *pats*

And Griffin, while not completely comfortable about two guys in one bed, he is getting over his lil prejudice. *sniff* they grow so fast...

and yesh, lemme point out the irony of Griffin going to Lily's room here Bastian and Ben are practising.... CPR ;D

Ooh, that bear... you probably already knows it belongs to someone, but--- but--- SUSPEND YOUR BELIEF when reading x]

anyways, the other boot is still hanging by a shoelace...