Nami: FINE! For peanut's sakes, I'll leave you guys alone! Get the hell up Sparky!

Fen felt a kind of sadness pass through him knowing he'll never make up with a old friend. He inwardly sighed, knowing
that all problems don't get easily solved like an online story you read about gay guys.

Fen: Lily. you know what could've happened when you came here. Elves could've--
Lily: Yeah yeah, but I *had*
to help Bastian stop that pyscho bitch cuz it's on my list to blackmail someone using a plotdevice stolen from an anime!
Your dress is nice though...

Dylus: Um thanks for at least trying... Hopefully she'll leave us alone now.
Fen: Don't worry, Lily will probably
photoshop Nami's face onto a pic of Vanessa Anne Hudgens or something...
Dylus: Thanks... bro..
Fen: You're
welcome.... bro...

Lily: I hope we can be super special awesome friends Basty!
Bastian: Um... okay...

Fen waved goodbye before him and Lily's presence was gone like a flame in the wind...

Lance: Bastian, you know you shouldn't let girls just be---
Bastian: I'm sorry Lance... But Lily insisted and
she's very... belligerent.

Lance: *sigh* But thanks for getting rid of that pest though...

Ben: I thought you were awesome...
Bastian: Thanks *smile*

Bastian: So... this guy... You've known him for how long?
Ben: Since I was six... He's been there for me and
me for him... He stayed by me when alot of people weren't. I swear you guys would be awesome friends.

Bastian: But isn't he gay too...? You guys could've...
Ben: Gay guys can be friends too without jumping each
other's bones you know...
Bastian: I know... It's just I'm really nervous about meeting your friend's family. I mean...
I know you HAVE to go back, but still...

Bastian: Look at me worrying about trivial things. You must be freaking about the whole transformation thing.

Ben: Kinda...
Bastian, sitting on the trunk: What happens? I only read a bit about it, but still..
Well basically, if you got dominating faeren genes, you're gonna get these powers when you turn mature...

Bastian: Mature?
Ben: Most faeren guys it's about 16 ish.... Since my element is Wind related, my power would
be able to control air...

Bastian: But isn't there a 50/50 chance you could horribly mutate or something?
Ben: That's why I need you
there... I'm really, kinda, sorta... scared... about this...

Ben: I'm gonna look really, really, really different even if this turns out good and I'm wondering if you would still
be there...

Bastian: Of course... Before I met you i was so lonely, you couldn't believe it... I just wanted to live a life you
read in books and where you weren't so alone... Meeting you and now being able to hold you is the greatest feeling ever...
I want to... I want to show you my... markings...

Bastian: wow...
Ben: It means Air... What my element will be...
Bastian: T-thanks for showing me.

Ben: Will you be there when I turn?
Bastian: I will...

Bastian held Ben closer than he ever did before... Even if they were so young, they were so wild, Bastian knew his
love for Ben wouldn't disappear overnight... Even if they didn't know what will happen, Bastian was so grateful knowing Ben
will be there...