redhead:"okays leo, what about this question?
did elphaba and glinda have hot lesbo crushes on each other?" leo:"oh
chelsea, that's not the real question."

chelsea:"oh, but basically it is."
leo:"fine. anyways, i always believed elphaba was pansexual, fluid and against
the norm, much like the rest of her. the parting at the end of gillikin where elphaba says goodbye is pretty good evidence
because she rarely displays any emotion."
chelsea:"you really do like this book, huh?"
leo:"it's really interesting.
i wonder why you don't like it..."

chelsea:"and i wonder why the school even choose it for our english course. it's just based on some fantasy world."
chelle, it has many paralells to our own modern politics and everything."
chelsea:"bah, this is tiring..."

chelsea:"hey, leo, me and buddy are going to see the new TMNT movie. wanna come?"
leo:"oh yes, i would love
to be the third wheel on you lovebirds... not. anyways, i'm socially crippled."
chelsea:"oh you're such a drama queen..."
chelsea:"ooh, i wonder why you have such a big bed?"
leo:"chelsea, when i agreed to help you study at my place,
i thought i asked you not to question anything about my stuffs."
chelsea:"but i'm curious~!"